



  • 「デザイン資料」として所蔵されている資料がどれくらいあるのか
  • 「グラフィック」「ファッション」「プロダクト」として分類される資料にはどのようなものが含まれるのか。
  • アーカイブについての関心
  • 所蔵資料のデータベース化の現状



発送数 合計 のべ1557通
回答数 584館





A Questionnaire of Product Design Material Archives

Overview of Questionnaire

In the 2015 part of this project, we conducted questionnaire surveys targeting art museums, history museums, archives, and other similar facilities across Japan for the purpose of gaining an understanding of design materials kept in Japan domestically. So far, we have received responses from 584 facilities, all of which we collated this fiscal year. The following is an overview.
Our survey targeted ethnological collections and historical museums in addition, of course, to institutions chiefly and explicitly devoted to collecting design materials. We hoped to be able to obtain information on the presence, absence, or other status of design materials, as well as the presence of previously “undiscovered” materials that could be considered design materials of significance. We made the modes of response to the questionnaire as simple as possible, and made it so that respondents could answer freely in their own words. We also included questions regarding their progress in terms of digitizing their data and/or creation of databases:

  • How many materials are in your possession considered “design materials?”
  • What sort of materials do you have that are classified as either “graphic,” “fashion,” or “design” materials?
  • What is your level of interest in archiving?
  • How far along are you in creating databases of the materials in your possession?

The survey was conducted with the above themes to ascertain the present state of materials as well as the level of awareness of design archives.

Target Facilities:

Institutions with membership in the Japanese Council of Art Museums
Institutions with membership in the Japanese Association of Museums (excluding zoos, botanical gardens, and aquariums)
University-affiliated art galleries and museums, university design labs, and corporate museums
Number of questionnaires sent: 1,557 in total
First batch sent (December 2015): 997
Second batch sent (February 2016): 560
Total responses: 584

Tabulated Results of the Questionnaire

There were 584 responses received from art museums and other museums from around the country. Of these, the institutions that responded that they possess design related works (or other materials) were as follows: 232 with graphic design materials, 195 with fashion materials, and 190 with product design materials.
In this survey, in order to gain a broad understanding of works (materials) in the possession of such institutions, we chose to pose questions that could be answered freely in terms of format, rather than multiple choice answers. Thanks to this, we received a great number of responses. However, because of the inherent vagueness in the definitions of terms in this format, there arose inconsistencies in expressions, which made it difficult to analyze the responses as statistical data. There remain questions about the dependability of the data because of a lack of consistency in the choices made by the respondents. For example, there were answers in which multiple respondents referred to what is thought to be the same thing (though not confirmed) using different terms, respondents writing in about design articles (or materials) that would not ordinarily be considered a design-related work (but when confirmed on-site still has the potential to be design related), and other issues that pose problems for the reliability of data due to the inconsistency in respondent’s answers. The accuracy of such answers could be improved by first clarifying the definitions of terms in research committees, etc. and then re-tabulating by computing the responses to the newly clarified definitions.
At the present stage, items that are referred to by different terms but that are objectively the same thing are put into a unified category by the people who do the tabulation. For other items, weight is given to the statements of the respondents and tabulated accordingly.
The total number of materials/articles archived was 363,435, but as suggested above, there was no clear definition given for a “design-related” item, and the choice of whether a certain article or item is one related to design was left up to the responding institutions, so these figures are only rough guidelines.