

武蔵野美術大学 美術館•図書館では、1967年の開館以降、近代椅子の収集を始め、現在では約400脚におよぶコレクションを形成している。本講座は、講師に本学名誉教授であり当館の近代椅子コレクションの形成に中心的に携われた島崎信氏を迎え、コレクションのなかから精選した約300脚を、一脚ずつ詳細に解説する構成で行われた。



Armchair Lecture

Since its inception in 1967, when it first began collecting modern chairs, the Musashino Art University Museum and Library has currently accumulated a collection that consists of around 400 chairs. In this course, we have Makoto Shimazaki as a lecturer, who is a professor emeritus at our university and who was a central figure in building the school’s collection of modern chairs. The lecture consists of detailed expositions of each of 300 chairs carefully selected from the collection.
In addition, in this project, documentary footage of this lecture will be edited as expository videos of each chair and will be made available to the public through a Test Version of the Inter-Institutional Product Design Materials Repository Database (http://jmapps.ne.jp/musabi_art_lib/).
At institutions with archives, through Exhibitions, workshops, and other such presentations, there are opportunities for previously-unknown archivable information to be presented. This lecture was designed to be a new attempt at creating new archives by utilizing archived materials.